Workshop Chair
The Workshop Chair is a result and synthesis of a series of exhibitions by Jerszy Seymour that explore the possibility of an ‘Amateur’ society (meaning lover, appassionato from the latin root). Using polycapralactone wax both as a construction material and as a metaphor for the creative energy in all people, the exhibitions created functional situations as a platform to discuss the possibility of utopia. ‘The Fulfilment of the Production in the Hands of the People’
The Workshop Chair is made from a few pieces of wood and polycapralactone wax with a joyful production technique that is affordable to make using hands from a western economy. It is very strong, repairable and biodegradable. The Workshop Chair presents itself as a new model of production, entering into the current economy with the intention to create the new economy.
The Workshop Chair was selected for the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in December 2010 and is also part of the permanent collection of Vitra, Indianapolis Museum of Art and MAK